What is Creative Grooming?

Creative grooming is a wonderful world of color, rhinestones, bows, and styles that reflect more of an artful vibe rather than a breed-specific look. Anything goes and many believe the more sensational the better, but creative grooming can be as minimalistic as the pet owner wants. Creative grooming has evolved quite a bit over the last several years and has grown a following of groomers and pet owners. We first started seeing pops of color on dogs dating back to the 1950s when poodles were all the rage and many would have their pups colored bright solid colors by their groomer. The products they used back then were limited to vegetable dyes or food coloring. However, these days the possibilities are endless with the creative grooming products available today to completely transform your dog into a walking piece of art.

Creative Grooming Techniques

You don’t have to get crazy when trying creative grooming techniques on your dog. You can start as small and temporary as you want. There are many all-natural & safe-for-your-dog products that you can start off with. Here is a list of ways you can get creative with your dog’s next groom.

  • Asian Fusion Styles
  • Fur Coloring
  • Glitter
  • Beads
  • Braids
  • Fur Sculpting
  • Hot-iron-on Bling
  •  Feather Extentions
  •  Pawdicure
  •  Mowhawks

Having Creative Grooming Done At Your House-Call Grooming Appointment

Although creative grooming can get a bit messy and can take time, it absolutely can work at your house call grooming appointment. If you stick with the simpler and less messy techniques you can easily get super creative when decorating your pooch. Talk to your house call groomer about what you want to try and see if the look you are going for is achievable for your dog.

Pet Tuning

Creative grooming is mostly known for the crazy coloring and outrageous styling, however, there is a whole other side of creative grooming. There is another type of creative grooming that is less extreme that is more commonly used on everyday pets. This type of grooming is called “Pet Tuning”. Pet Tuning can be anything from a simple strand of colored fur in the tail, all the way to a spiked, sprayed, and colored mohawk with gems and glitter. The term “pet tuning” is a newer way to describe jazzing up your pups groom in an easier and less permanent way. This trend is easy to try and great to do especially around holiday celebrations.

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